How To Use The WordPress Mobile App - Posts And Pages

How To Use The WordPress Mobile App – Posts And Pages

How To Use The WordPress Mobile AppThis tutorial is part of a series on how to post content to your WordPress site using your mobile device and the WordPress Mobile App.

This series includes the following tutorials:

In this tutorial, you will learn how to add, edit, and delete posts and pages on your WordPress site using the WordPress Mobile App.

You should have already set up your WordPress App. If you haven’t set it up yet, see this tutorial


  • For this tutorial, we’ll use the WordPress For Android version of the WordPress mobile app. The process explained below is similar for iOS devices (e.g. iPhone, iPod Touch, or iPad). For more information about WordPress For IOS, go here: WordPress For iOS
  • While the screenshots in this tutorial use an earlier version of the WordPress App and android mobile device, the process described below for installing and using the app is the same.

The following tutorials will also help you gain a better understanding of the areas covered in this tutorial:


The WordPress Mobile App – Posts And Pages

Tap on your WordPress app icon to log into your account.

WordPress mobile App icon.
Select the WordPress App to launch the application on your mobile device.


To access and manage your posts, tap on the Posts menu.

WordPress App - Posts menu.
Select Posts from the menu.

A list of your posts will display on your screen.

Mobile App - Posts screen.
View a list of all your posts.

You can access more posts by scrolling down to the bottom of your screen and tapping on Load More Posts.

Mobile App - Posts screen - Load More Posts.
Load More Posts.

To return to your main menu section, tap on the icon at the top of your screen.

Mobile App - Posts screen - Return to WordPress Dashboard.
Click the WordPress icon to return to your Dashboard screen.

Posts – New Posts

To create a new post, tap on the “+” symbol at the top of your screen.

Mobile App - Posts screen - Add new post.
Add a new post.

The New Post screen allows you to:

  • Add a Post Title
  • Add content to your post
  • Add comma-separated Tags
  • Select or add a new Post Category
  • Select your Post Status
  • Select your Post Format
  • Specify a date and time to publish your post
  • Password-protect your post
Mobile App - Add New Posts screen.
Add our content in the Add New Post screen.

To add a title and content to your new post, tap on the Title and Content fields.

Mobile App - Posts screen - Add Content.
Tap the Content Area to add new content.

Tap into the Content area to add text and media.

Mobile App - Posts screen - Add new content work area.
Add content to your site from your mobile device using the WordPress App

Note the row of formatting options and buttons at the bottom of your screen. Use these to format your text and insert media into your content.

Mobile App - Add Content buttons.
Use the buttons to format your content and insert images.

Click on the camera icon to add media like photos and videos into your content.

Mobile App - add media options.
Mobile App – add media options.

After adding an image to your post, you can adjust the image settings by tapping on the image. This brings up the Image Settings screen.

Mobile App - Image Settings screen.
Image Settings screen.

The Image Settings screen allows you to edit the following settings on your image:

  • Image filename – Change your image filename.
  • Image caption – Add an image caption. This field is optional.
  • Horizontal alignment – Choose from the following options: None, Left, Center, and Right.
  • Width – Use the slider to adjust the image width.
  • Use as featured image – Check the box in this field to set your image as a featured image.

After adjusting your settings, click on OK to save your new settings, or Cancel to exit the Image Settings screen without saving your settings.

To learn more about adding media to your posts, see this tutorial: How To Use The WordPress Mobile App – Media

Whether your post is published after saving or not, depends on the following:

1 – Your Publish Status.

Mobile App - Publish settings.
Mobile App – Publish settings.

2 – Your Publish Settings (i.e. whether you have specified your post to publish immediately, or schedule a past or future date and time).

Mobile App - Publish settings - Publish Immediately.
Mobile App – Publish settings – Publish Immediately.

To cancel editing your new post, click on your device’s back key.

Mobile App - Cancel operation.
Click on the return button to cancel your task.

You will be asked to confirm whether to cancel editing your post or not.

Mobile App - Cancel Edit confirmation popup screen.
Choose whether to cancel or continue editing your post.

To save and publish your new post, tap the Save icon at the top of your screen.

Mobile App - Save button icon.
Click the Save button to update your settings.

Your new post will be saved.

Posts – Edit Posts

To edit a post, select the post you want to edit from your Posts list, and tap on the Post Title.

Mobile App - Edit Post - Click post title to edit.
Click the post title to edit your post.

The selected post will load and display on your screen.

Mobile App - Post loaded on mobile screen browser.
Post loaded on mobile screen browser.

At the bottom of your screen, you will see a row of option buttons:

  • Delete – Delete your post
  • Preview – Preview your post
  • Share – Provides a range of options for sharing your post
  • Comment – Write a comment, or reply to an existing comment left on your post
  • Edit – Edit your post
Mobile App - Post editing menu buttons.
Post editing menu buttons.

Delete Post

To delete a post, tap on the Trash Can icon at the bottom of your screen.

Mobile App - Delete post.
Click on the trash icon to delete a post.

You will be asked to confirm whether to delete the post or not. Tap Yes to delete your post, or No to cancel the delete action.

Mobile App - Confirm Post deletion dialog window.
Confirm whether to delete your post or not.

Preview Post

Tap on the Preview icon to load your post into your mobile device’s browser.

Mobile App - Post preview.
Preview your post.

Share Post

Tap on the Share Post icon to bring up a range of options for sharing your post online.

Mobile App - Share Post.
Share your post online.

Write Comment

Tap on the Comment icon to add a comment to your post and then tap on the Send Comment button.

Mobile App - Write Comment dialog window.
You can write and send a comment to your post from your mobile device.

Your comment (or reply to someone else’s comment) will be published on your WordPress site.

WordPress Mobile App - Post comments screen.
Mobile App – Post comments screen.

Edit Content

To edit the content of your post, tap on the Edit icon.

WordPress Mobile App - Edit content
Edit content from your mobile device.

After editing your content, tap on the Save icon to update your post.

Mobile App - Save/Update post.
Save or update your post.

Your content will be saved and updated on your WordPress site.

Other Post Options

In addition to editing your content, you can specify the following post options when creating or editing your posts:

Post Tags

Tap in the Tags field to add, edit, or delete your post tags.

WordPress Mobile App - Add Post tags.
Add post tags using your mobile device.

Type your tags into this field separated by a comma.

WordPress Mobile App - Post tags.
Separate your tags using commas.

Post Category

Tap on the Select Categories button to add your post category.

WordPress Mobile App - Post Categories button.
Select categories for your posts.

A list of categories will display on your screen. Tick the category you want to be associated with your post.

WordPress Mobile App - Post categories screen.
Select the category(ies) for your post.

Note: To add a new post category, tap on the “+” icon at the top of your screen.

WordPress Mobile App - Add new category.
Add a new category to your posts.

The Add New Category screen displays on your screen.

Type in the following:

  • Post Category
  • Category Slug (optional – make sure that your slug is added in lower case letters and separate words with hyphens instead of spaces)
  • Category Description (optional)
  • Category Parent (optional)

And tap on the OK button when done.

WordPress Mobile App - Add New Category screen.
Click OK when done.

The category you have selected will be added to your post.

WordPress Mobile App - Post assigned a category.
Your post will be assigned your selected category(ies).

Post Format

If you want, you can select a Post Format from the drop-down menu. Posts are set to Standard by default.

WordPress Mobile App - Post Formats screen.
Select a format for your post using your mobile device.

Publish Status

Select a Publish Status from the drop-down menu:

  • Publish – Update your WordPress site and set your post to Published status
  • Draft – Update your WordPress site and set your post to Draft status
  • Pending Review – Update your WordPress site and set your post to Pending Review status
  • Private – Update your WordPress site and set your post to Private status
  • Local Draft – Update your WordPress site and set your post to Local Draft status.
WordPress Mobile App - Post Publishing Status.
Select a publishing status for your post.

Note: When set to Local Draft, your content will be stored as a draft post on your mobile device only. No content will be transferred to your WordPress site.

WordPress Mobile App - Local Drafts Post
Local Draft posts remain on your mobile device until they’re published.

Publish Settings

By default, posts publish immediately after saving/updating. To change your post dates, or schedule your posts for publishing in the future, tap on Edit.

WordPress Mobile App - Publish Edit button.
Edit your post status.

The Publish Date screen pops up. Select the date you want to set as your post’s publish date.

WordPress Mobile App - Post Publishing Dates screen.
Select your Post publishing dates.

After selecting the publish date, tap Set to continue.

WordPress Mobile App - Post publishing dates dialog box.
Click Set to continue.

The Publish Time screen pops up. Select the time you want to set for your post’s publish settings and tap on the Set button to finish editing this section.

WordPress Mobile App - Post publishing times screen.
Select the time to publish your posts/pages.

Your Post date will be changed.

WordPress Mobile App - Post date
Edit and change your post publishing dates and times.

If you set posts to publish at a future date, your posts will be marked as Scheduled.

WordPress Mobile App - Scheduled Posts.
You can schedule posts to publish at a later (or earlier) date.

Password Protection

You can password protect your posts. This restricts who can view your post content to those who have access to the password.

To password protect your post, tap into the Password (optional) field.

WordPress Mobile App - Password Protect Content option.
You can password protect your content using your mobile device.

Enter your password.

WordPress Mobile App - Password field.
Enter your password.

Save your post to finish password-protecting it.

WordPress Mobile App - Password-Protected Post screen.
This post is password-protected.

To learn how to protect content on your WordPress posts and pages, see this tutorial: How To Protect Content In WordPress


To access and manage your pages, tap on the Pages menu.

WordPress Mobile App - Pages Menu.
WordPress Mobile App – Pages Menu.

A list of all your pages displays on your screen.

WordPress Mobile App - Pages List.
View a list of all your site’s pages on your mobile device.

Pages work in a similar way to posts, with only some minor differences. Refer to the tutorials on using posts above for creating, adding, and deleting pages using the WordPress App on your mobile device. To learn the difference between Posts and Pages, see this tutorial: WordPress Posts vs WordPress Pages Explained

Additional Information

Your mobile device can provide additional functions when working with posts and pages.

For example, if you select a portion of text on your screen when editing posts and pages, a menu may display at the top of your screen proving you the following options:

  1. Select all content
  2. Cut selected text
  3. Copy content to your clipboard
WordPress Mobile App - Content Editing Options.
WordPress Mobile App – Content Editing Options.

Select a portion of text on your screen and a new menu appears with the following options:

  • Share – Share your selected text through a range of online sharing services
  • Find – Find a word or text on your screen
  • Web Search – Search your selected text online
WordPress Mobile App - Content Editing Options Menu.
WordPress Mobile App – Content Editing Options Menu.

Select Find allows you to search for a specific word or keyphrase in your content.

WordPress Mobile App: Content Editing Options Menu - Find.
WordPress Mobile App: Content Editing Options Menu – Find.

A search field appears. Type in the word a portion of text and the Find function will highlight all instances where this particular text appears in your content.

WordPress Mobile App: Content Editing Options - Search text.
Search text on your content.

Use the scroll buttons to navigate through the highlighted text on your page.

WordPress Mobile App: Content Editing - Search Scroll Option.
Content Editing – Search Scroll Option.

Congratulations! Now you know how to use the WordPress Mobile App to add, edit, and delete posts and pages on your WordPress site via a mobile device.

Next Step:

Now that you know how to use the ‘Posts and Pages’ section of the WordPress Mobile App, the next step is to learn how to use the ‘Media’ section of the App.

See this tutorial: How To Use The WordPress Mobile App – Media

See Also …

Mobile phone user.
Learn how to use the WordPress App on your mobile device.


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Updated: July 5th, 2024

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