How To Use The WordPress Mobile App - Settings

How To Use The WordPress Mobile App – Settings

How To Use The WordPress Mobile AppThis tutorial is part of a series on how to post content to your WordPress site using your mobile device and the WordPress Mobile App.

This series includes the following tutorials:

In this tutorial, you will learn how to manage your WordPress mobile app’s settings.

You should have already set up your WordPress App. If you haven’t set it up yet, see this tutorial


  • For this tutorial, we’ll use the WordPress For Android version of the WordPress mobile app. The process explained below is similar for iOS devices (e.g. iPhone, iPod Touch, or iPad). For more information about WordPress For IOS, go here: WordPress For iOS
  • While the screenshots in this tutorial use an earlier version of the WordPress App and android mobile device, the process described below for installing and using the app is the same.


The WordPress Mobile App – Settings

Tap on your WordPress app icon to log into your account.

WordPress mobile App icon.
Select the WordPress App to launch the application on your mobile device.

Settings for your WordPress App can be accessed by tapping on the Settings menu.

WordPress App - Settings menu.
Select Settings from the menu.

The Settings area is divided into the following sections:

  • Blogs – This section displays a list of all WordPress sites and blogs you have added to your WordPress app and lets you add new sites.
  • Comment Notifications – The settings in this section affect how your mobile device is notified when new comments are posted on your site.
  • Post Signature – In this section, you can add a custom signature when publishing new posts.
  • About – This section displays information about your WordPress app and its Open Source licenses.


This section displays a list of all WordPress sites and blogs you have added to your WordPress mobile app’s account.

WordPress App - Settings menu.
View a list of all your sites.

Click on a site listing to edit its details…

WordPress App - Site Settings.
Click to edit your site’s settings.

This opens up the account details screen.

WordPress App: Settings - Account Details screen.
Edit your site’s details.

On this screen, you can edit the following settings:

Account Details

Edit your site’s username and login password.

WordPress App - Account Details screen.
Edit your site title.

HTTP Credentials

This section is optional. It allows you to enter other forms of authenticating a user’s login credentials.

WordPress App - Account Details screen.
Edit your HTTP credentials.


This section allows you to specify media settings that will affect how images are added to your posts and uploaded to your WordPress site.

WordPress App - Account Details screen.
Configure your media settings.

You can change the Default Image Width setting to another desired width (Note: You can also tap on an image in the post editor to set a custom image size).

WordPress App - Account Details screen.
Specify default image width settings.

Additionally, you can select checkboxes to include the following options in this section:

  • Upload and link to full image
  • Upload and link to scaled image


You can geotag your posts by ticking the Geotag Posts box checkbox in this section.

WordPress App: Account Details - Location settings.
Geotag your posts using Location settings.

Geotagging your posts lets your readers know where you are posting from. It also allows you to assign a city or town to any post so readers can find posts relevant to certain places more easily.

For example, if you write about local events in your city, you can tag them so that others who live nearby can find out what’s going on.

If you post photographs of a town you have visited, you can tag them with the name of that town so that people searching for it will be able to more easily find your site.

Remove Blog

If you no longer want to access a WordPress site from your mobile app’s account, you can delete its details by clicking on the Remove Blog button at the bottom of the screen.

WordPress App: Account Details - Remove Blog button
Click Remove Blog to remove the site from your mobile app’s settings.

As well as removing sites from your mobile WordPress account, you can also add new sites in the Blogs section.

WordPress App: Settings - Blogs screen.
Add a site to your mobile App in the Blogs Settings screen.

Comment Notifications

The settings in this section affect how your mobile device is notified when new comments are posted on your site.

WordPress App: Settings - Comment Notifications screen.
Configure Comments settings.

Enable blogs

Enable or disable comment notifications for all sites in your mobile WordPress account.

WordPress App: Settings - Enable blogs screen.
Enable or disable commenting on your sites.

Update interval

Tap on Update interval to bring up the Update interval screen. Here you can select the interval you want your mobile app to check for any new comments posted on your WordPress site.

WordPress App: Settings - Update interval dialog window.
Specify an interval to check for new comments.

The Comment Notifications settings section also allows you to specify various options that will notify you when new comments have been posted on your WordPress site:

  • Play notification sound – Tick the checkbox to enable or disable this option
  • Vibrate – Tick the checkbox to enable or disable this option
  • Blink notification light – Tick the checkbox to enable or disable this option
WordPress App: Settings - Comment Notifications screen.
Comment Notifications screen options.

Post Signature

In this section, you can add a custom signature that will be added to all new posts published to your WordPress site from your mobile device.

To add a custom signature to new posts, tick the Add a signature to new posts checkbox and tap on the Post signature area.

WordPress App: Settings - Post Signature
Add and edit your Post signature.

This brings up the Post signature screen. Type in a custom signature to replace the default app’s signature and tap on OK to save.

WordPress App: Settings - Post signature dialog window.
Edit your post signature and click OK or Cancel.

Your custom signature will be added to all new posts published from your mobile device.

WordPress App: Settings - Post signature.
A post sent from a mobile device.


This section displays important information about your WordPress mobile application.

WordPress App: Settings - About
View your Mobile App’s About details.

You can view information about your WordPress App, such as the version number, terms of service, privacy policy, and the App developer.

WordPress App: Settings - About screen.
WordPress App version details.

You can also read information about the application’s Open Source license.

WordPress App: Settings - Open Source Licenses information.
View your app’s open source license information.

Congratulations! Now you know how to use the WordPress Mobile App’s ‘Settings’ section.

This concludes the tutorial series on using the WordPress Mobile App. To review the other tutorials in this series, click on the links below.

Mobile App Tutorials…

Mobile phone user.
Learn how to use the WordPress App on your mobile device.


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Updated: July 5th, 2024

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