Lesson 6 - Promote Your Content
WPTrainingManual.com - Lesson 6 - Promote Your Content
Lesson 6 – Promote Your Content

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Lesson 6 – Promote Your Content

In this lesson, you will learn how to promote your published web content.

Training Resources You Will Need

Before You Start…

Make sure that you have already completed Lesson 5 – Publish Your Content.


After publishing your content, the next step is to get it in front of your target audience.

In this lesson, you will set up an effective content promotion blueprint that will help you drive more traffic to your website and grow your business online.

Content Promoting Blueprint

Here are the processes we will set up to create an ongoing cycle of content promotion designed to grow your online presence…

Content Promotion Blueprint Process
Create an ongoing cycle of content promotion using this simple blueprint.

Publish Content

Begin by setting up a content publishing schedule to get new content published on a regular basis. This can be weekly, fortnightly, monthly, and/or a combination of these, plus one-time announcements and broadcasts.

The important thing is to make sure that you are publishing new content on a regular basis. This will help you maintain visibility in the search engines and mindshare with your target audience.

See the previous lessons if you need help with this step.

Additionally, you should have already subscribed to our Infinite Web Content Creation course. This will help you keep coming up with endless ideas for new content.

Automate Marketing

This step requires configuring a number of automation processes. You can do this yourself following the tutorials provided below or contact your website developer for help setting these up:

WordPress Traffic Automation

WordPress can be configured to automatically notify search engines, social media sites, and other blogs and content syndication services as soon as you publish new content.

WordPress Traffic Automation
WordPress can be configured to automatically drive traffic to your site as soon as you publish new content.

See these tutorials to learn how to set this up:

Grow Traffic

In addition to configuring your WordPress site for traffic automation, you can bring your content to more users and drive more traffic to your website using methods like:

  • Social Media – Posting an excerpt of your post to social media networks with links pointing back to the original post published on your site.
  • Email Marketing & List Building – Sending newsletters, updates, announcements, tips, email lessons, etc. to your subscribers.
  • Content Marketing – Using different types of content to reach new audiences and drive traffic to your website.
  • Video Marketing – Posting videos on video-sharing sites like YouTube.
  • Affiliate Marketing – Leveraging the efforts and contacts of other online users to increase online exposure and awareness of your site and content.
  • and more.

See these tutorial modules for help with the above:

Also, see the Video Tutorials section below for video courses that will help you grow your traffic using content.

Analyze Results

It’s important to convert your traffic into new users, customers, subscribers, etc., and to be able to analyze your results.

This includes understanding what kind of content/keywords users are searching for on your site.

Make sure you have an analytics tool installed on your website to help you analyze and understand your website’s traffic (e.g. Google Analytics).

For help analyzing your results, see the tutorials below:

See the Video Tutorials section below for video courses that will help you analyze your traffic and results.

Expand Content

The more you understand what information your target audience is searching for and what kinds of formats they like to consume, the more you can expand your content offering.

This includes not only creating new posts, articles, tutorials, etc. but also email newsletters, downloadable reports, videos, eBooks, online courses, etc.

See the Video Tutorials section below for video courses that will help you expand the content on your site.

Schedule Production

As you build up your list of new content topics and ideas, it’s important to have a content production system in place that allows you to schedule the regular creation and production of new content for publishing on your site.

This lets you repeat the cycle, e.g., add and promote new content on your site, automate its promotion, expand your online visibility and search presence, and increase the number of visitors to your site.

In addition to setting up efficient processes for content production, there are a number of plugins available that you can add to your WordPress site to automate these processes.

See the tutorials below for plugins that can help improve your processes:

Video Courses

See the video courses below for help with this lesson:

Expand Your Content

Promote Your Content


Download the guide below for 101+ tips for boosting traffic, getting more leads & making more sales using WordPress…with no coding skills required:

Action Step

  • Implement the content promotion blueprint described in this lesson.
  • Make sure your WordPress site is configured as described in the traffic automation section. Ask a website developer to help you set this up if you need help.
  • Begin adding content regularly to your website.
  • Create the habit of regularly analyzing your results and understanding where your traffic is coming from, what keywords visitors are searching for, etc.
  • Use your site’s results, market research, and keyword research tools to create a list of additional topics for your site, and list different types of formats you can use to publish these (e.g. videos, PDF reports).
  • Implement systems for content production and content scheduling.
  • Continue this cycle and review your processes and results every 3, 4, or 6 months.

What You Have Learned

  • Using systems and automation will help you grow your business online successfully.
  • Implementing and automating effective processes, and developing a regular habit of publishing and promoting your content will grow your business.

Next Step

Go to Lesson 7: WordPress Admin Features

Index Of Lessons

Lesson 1 | Lesson 2 | Lesson 3 | Lesson 4 | Lesson 5 | Lesson 6 | Lesson 7


Updated: July 5th, 2024

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