Content Marketing With WordPress

Content Marketing With WordPress

Content is King - Content Marketing With WordPress

This tutorial is part of our series on using content marketing to create more exposure online for your business and drive more traffic to your site.

Subscribe to our web content creation course and learn how to never run out of great content for your website, blog, or newsletter.


Content Is King

In 1996, Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft, began an essay entitled “Content Is King” with the following statement…

“Content is where I expect much of the real money will be made on the Internet …”

(“Content Is King,” an essay By Bill Gates. Source: WayBack Machine)

Almost a decade and a half after Bill Gates wrote that “Content is King”, Seth Godin, a well-known internet marketing pioneer, entrepreneur, and the author of many best-selling books about marketing in the digital age, declared that…

“Content Marketing is all the marketing that’s left.”


Content, then, is “king” and the only effective form of marketing left in the Digital Information Age.

Here are some other interesting facts about content marketing:

  • Consumers trust content, not ads.
  • Consumers actively seek product information and reviews first.
  • Consumers need to see marketing messages multiple times.
  • Consumer purchases are influenced by content.

For stats and figures on the above, see this article.

Digital content is the currency of the Digital Information Age.

Everything you do to grow a business online requires content. Your business needs content for website pages, product descriptions, sales copy, ads, articles, promotions, newsletters, customer training, FAQs, etc.

Knowing how to create or produce content, then, is one of the most valuable skills you can develop to grow your business online.

All websites need content. No matter what business you are in if you plan to build a successful business online, your website needs to have an effective content strategy for publishing valuable and relevant content to your target audience on a regular basis.

Preferably, you should publish new content every week if possible.

If you can’t publish new content on a weekly basis, then aim to get something posted on your site or blog at least every 2-3 weeks.

Don’t expect great success online if all you publish is an occasional self-promotional post (e.g. announcing a special sale or service discount).

Your content strategy is much more involved than that.

Creating a continuous pipeline of visitors, prospects, leads, subscribers, sales, customers, and clients requires publishing high-value content on a regular basis that will benefit your readers, engage with your visitors and subscribers, and provide your customers with something unique.

What Is Content Marketing?

“Content marketing” is often mentioned when people discuss digital marketing.

The essence of content marketing is:

  • Creating valuable and relevant content that builds trust, credibility, and authority with your visitors and customers and makes them want to continue doing business with you.
  • Using media to increase exposure and sales for your company or organization.
  • This media can be anything that you create: blog posts, articles, videos, podcasts, images, infographics, special reports, e-books … even software!

Whether you create content items like a blog post, video, e-book, or a forum signature, it’s important to keep in mind that the purpose of your content is to make a compelling statement that engages your target audience.

This is important because the goal of your content marketing strategy is not to “sell” people a long or short advertisement about your business, but to educate them on how to become your best customers or clients.

Our Web Content Ideas Generation Course shows you how to create content that will get attention, gain your reader’s interest, help build desire for your offer, and encourage them to take the action you want them to take, i.e. click on a link, fill in a form, call to make an appointment, subscribe to your newsletter, share the information on social media, etc.

The key to creating an effective content marketing strategy is to focus on providing value and using information to help your potential and existing customers understand how your business, company, or organization can add value to their lives.

Essentially, you are using an indirect sales method to create a content pipeline that will enhance the lives of your prospects in a beneficial way.

Like any sales pipeline, the goal of your content marketing strategy is to help turn your visitors into prospects, your prospects into customers or clients, and your clients into your champions.

Content Marketing Sales Funnel
Content Marketing Sales Funnel

To achieve this goal, you need loyal customers and an active community of users that consume and recommend your products and services to others on a regular basis.

Your content, then, needs to educate, inform, train, engage, empower, and motivate your audience to act and share your information with others.

Content Marketing: Not Talking AT, But WITH Your Visitors

Content marketing is a dynamic process for communicating and engaging with other users online. It is more than just communicating AT visitors and customers. It’s communicating WITH them.

You are not using content to blatantly advertise your business – you are sharing information that will benefit and add value to your target audience.

If you’re using your website to post mostly self-promotional content, there may not be room for dialogue or any type of meaningful engagement with your audience.

In today’s socially interconnected digital world, this type of communication is no longer as effective as it may have been once. Online users quickly become blind to advertising and self-promotion and start tuning these out.

On the other hand, it’s hard to tune out information that benefits you.

Imagine for a moment that your business genuinely helps people to save money and that every time you put out a new piece of content, your readers end up saving money.

Soon, you will have a crowd of people who are paying attention to your content, wanting to hear from you, and sharing your great money-saving tips with others.

People are consuming large amounts of digital information. Look at cable TV and 24-hour news channels. Imagine how much content is required to keep these wheels turning. These networks wouldn’t be thriving if people weren’t hungry for information.

Your business is no different. Your job is to define what type of information your target audience finds meaningful and then provide them with this information.

It’s time to dive into content marketing!


Before you begin outsourcing the creation of content for your digital marketing, be clear about how you plan to add value to users’ lives with your content.

If you have never done this before, sit down somewhere quietly and write down all the ways your business can benefit others and add great value to their lives.

One technique for doing this is to make a list of all the possible objections your prospects could throw at you, e.g.:

  • “Your product is too expensive”
  • “I can get the same thing or better from your competitors”
  • “Why should I buy from you?”
  • etc.

Now, begin to answer these objections successfully. It will highlight what is unique about your business and your products or services and show you where you can add unique value to other people’s lives.

If you need help generating content ideas quickly, go here: Fast Content Idea Generation Tools

Content Marketing – Types Of Content

Some of the types of content you can use and publish on WordPress to attract visitors and promote your business online include:

We’ll explore each of these content types in more detail in this content creation series, beginning with…

Blog Posts

Blogging has become the most popular and flexible way for businesses to communicate with their customers and potential customers.

A blog gives your business a “voice” and lets you share all kinds of content, including text, images, videos, and more.

Blogging is probably the most cost-effective, accessible, and immediate way to start implementing your content marketing strategy.

The only thing to remember about blog posts is that you have to post consistently to keep people coming back to read your blog posts. As stated earlier, you don’t have to post to your blog every day but you do need to post to your blog regularly.

If you are going to blog about your business, we highly recommend using WordPress.

WordPress is not only the world’s most popular platform for running a business website or blog, but it also lets you easily add, edit, and manage all types of content, embed media like images, videos, audio, and downloadable files. Best of all, WordPress can be set up and configured to automatically start driving traffic to your website.

Having an expertly set up and configured WordPress site can instantly announce, publicize, distribute, and syndicate your content automatically to search engines, social media, RSS directories, bookmarking sites, and other traffic-generating websites as soon as you publish new content on your website.

To learn more about the benefits of using WordPress, go here: 50+ Reasons To Choose WordPress

Content Marketing With WordPress – FAQs

Here are frequently asked questions about content marketing with WordPress:

What is content marketing and why is it important for WordPress users?

Content marketing involves creating and sharing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and engage a defined audience, ultimately driving profitable customer action. For WordPress users, it’s a way to increase visibility, drive traffic, engage audiences, improve SEO, and establish authority in your niche.

How can I effectively use WordPress for content marketing?

Start by identifying your audience and their needs. Use WordPress’s robust plugins for SEO optimization, social media integration, analytics, and publishing tools to create and regularly update your site with diverse and high-quality content (blogs, videos, infographics) that provide value to your audience and enhance your reach and engagement.

What tools can help me manage content marketing on WordPress?

Tools like SEO plugins for search engine optimization, Editorial Calendar for scheduling posts, and Google Analytics for tracking visitor behavior are essential for managing and optimizing your content marketing efforts.

How does content marketing support sales and conversions on WordPress sites?

Content marketing supports sales by building trust and educating potential customers about your products or services. Quality content helps in nurturing leads and guiding them through the sales funnel, increasing the likelihood of conversions.

What are the benefits of using WordPress for content marketing?

  • WordPress is free, offering cost-effectiveness.
  • It’s flexible and adaptable, allowing customization to suit various needs.
  • User-friendly interface makes content creation and management easy for non-tech users.
  • WordPress websites tend to rank high on search engine results, aiding SEO efforts.
  • The platform is mobile-responsive, ensuring a seamless user experience across devices.

What are the challenges faced by WordPress users in content marketing?

  • Content creation can be time-consuming and requires consistent effort to maintain quality.
  • Building and retaining an audience requires strategic planning and engagement.
  • Keeping up with algorithm changes on search engines and social media platforms can impact content visibility.
  • Competition in the digital space necessitates innovation and differentiation to stand out.
  • Measuring and analyzing the effectiveness of content marketing efforts requires tracking and interpretation of data.

How can WordPress users overcome content marketing challenges?

  • Plan content calendars in advance to maintain consistency and quality.
  • Engage with the audience through interactive content and community building.
  • Stay updated on SEO best practices and adapt content accordingly.
  • Innovate with unique content formats and storytelling techniques.
  • Utilize analytics tools to track performance and make data-driven decisions.


Content is king and content marketing is the only marketing left. Content marketing is communicating with customers and providing them with content and information that benefits them and adds value to their lives.

Action Step

Before you start outsourcing your content creation to digital marketers, be clear about how you will use this content to add value to people’s lives.

If you haven’t outsourced before, sit down somewhere quietly and write down all the ways your business can benefit others and add value to their lives.

Go through all the content methods listed above and make a note of the kind of content that you believe your audience wants to consume.

Once you have made this list, mark which type of content you can easily create yourself and which type you would prefer to outsource.

We’ll show you how to research the cost of outsourcing this content in other tutorials.

Select one of the tutorials below to continue the content marketing series:

Content is King
Grow your business online with content marketing.


Updated: July 5th, 2024

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