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The Complete Step-By-Step WordPress User Manual

Original price was: $67.00.Current price is: $27.00. for 1 year

The comprehensive WordPress user manual includes over 140+ downloadable PDF lessons (2,500+ pages) of detailed and practical step-by-step tutorials covering everything you need to know to use your WordPress website effectively.

Every feature and function you need to know to use a WordPress website or blog is explained in step-by-step detail in this downloadable PDF manual.

The step-by-step tutorials are written for non-technical users and contain thousands of instructive screenshots, so you can easily follow and apply every step.

Your purchase includes full access to our complete WordPress training membership site and resources like PDF versions of our online tutorials, video tutorials, email courses, downloadable guides, and additional resources. There are no hidden upsells!

This is a one-time purchase and will give you access to the member’s area for one whole year. You will not be charged again!

The Complete Step-By-Step WordPress User Manual is the most comprehensive, detailed, and up-to-date WordPress training resource available anywhere.

(Note: We have updated the WordPress User Manual … it now consists of 140+ individual PDF files and includes a 12-month membership to our WordPress and Digital Business video tutorials library!)

  • Format: 140+ Downloadable PDF Lessons
  • Pages: 2,500+
  • Item ID: WPMU-0001
  • Usage Rights: Business & Personal Use

See the product description section below for more information about this item.

The Complete Step-By-Step WordPress User Manual

The comprehensive WordPress user manual includes over 140+ downloadable PDF lessons (2,500+ pages) covering everything you need to know to use your WordPress site effectively.

Watch the video below to view the manual’s content…

Everything you need to know to use your WordPress site is covered in the WordPress User Manual’s detailed step-by-step tutorials!

*** STOP PRESS! ***

We have made changes to the WordPress User Manual – our WordPress tutorials can now be accessed online 100% FREE (no membership required) and downloaded individually as ad-free PDF files.

To download all 140+ PDF lessons and tutorials as one ZIP file, become a member … the one-time low cost includes 12-month 24/7 access to our complete WordPress and Digital Business video library!


The Complete Step-By-Step WordPress User Manual is the most comprehensive, detailed, and up-to-date WordPress user training guide available anywhere.

With your purchase of this manual, you not only get access to the most comprehensive guide to learning WordPress available, but you also get a complete WordPress training system that includes the following:

  • The Complete Step-By-Step WordPress User Manual (PDF) – 140+ detailed step-by-step lessons and tutorials (2,500+ pages if you were to print all of these out!), fully illustrated with thousands of screenshots and regularly updated. Each lesson can be downloaded as an individual PDF file or as one big ZIP file. PDF lessons contain no banner ads, only content.
    • WordPress Users: Save time converting online lessons into a downloadable PDF. Simply click on a link in your Member’s Area to download all the lesson files at once, or download only the individual lesson you want.
    • WordPress Developers: Combine any of the lessons and tutorials to create a customized training program for your clients.
  • 140+ Detailed Online Lessons & Tutorials – All the tutorials included in the manual (and many more) can be accessed online 24/7 from your member’s account. The online tutorials are regularly updated and fully interlinked so you can easily navigate through the massive amount of content we make available (over 300,000 words and 3,500+ screenshots). Additionally, our online tutorials can be instantly translated into the language of your choice. (FREE – No Membership Required)
  • 2,100+ WordPress & Digital Business Video Tutorials – Our growing video training library contains over 60 self-paced video courses with 2,100+ video tutorials.
  • Quick Start Training – Our emails and structured lessons show you how to get the most out of the WordPress tutorials and training resources. (FREE – No Membership Required)
  • Email Courses – Our comprehensive email training courses include courses on Web Content Creation for your website, blog, or newsletter (120+ lessons), and Advanced WordPress User Tips (100+ lessons). (FREE – No Membership Required)
  • WordPress Guides – Download comprehensive guides covering topics like Website Planning, How to Set Up an eCommerce Store and Membership Site, Web Security, and more.
  • Additional Resources – Download useful checklists, templates, and more! (FREE – No Membership Required)'s WordPress User/Client Training Program
We provide the most comprehensive, effective, and regularly updated training for non-technical WordPress users available!

Our WordPress training system aims to empower non-technical WordPress users. It is designed to put you in the driver’s seat of your digital vehicle and give you the keys to drive it wherever you want to go…with no coding skills required!

If you own, manage, or work in a business that uses WordPress, learning how to use your website effectively will help you get better results online!

The Complete Step-By-Step WordPress User Manual - Everything You Need To Know To Use Your WordPress Site!
The tutorials in ‘The Complete Step-By-Step WordPress User Manual” flow in logical and sequential order, taking you through every feature of your WordPress site and showing you how to use it effectively.

WordPress User Manual (PDF)

The downloadable WordPress PDF manual contains 140+ PDF files (2,500+ pages) of detailed and fully illustrated WordPress step-by-step tutorials. The content is regularly updated.

The tutorials cover the following areas of using WordPress:

  • Website Administration covers how to log in and out of your website administration, how to recover your password if you lose it or forget it, and how to navigate inside your site’s dashboard and administration areas.
  • Using Posts and Pages covers the difference between Posts and Pages and how to use Posts and Pages to add, edit, and delete content on your site.
  • Content Publishing Features shows you how to use WordPress content editors and helps you master using all the powerful publishing features of your website’s content management system (CMS).
  • Using Media tutorials show you how to add images, videos, audio, and downloadable files to your content, and how to effectively manage your site’s media files using the WordPress Media Library.
  • WordPress Block Editor (Gutenberg) tutorials show you how to use the WordPress Block Editor, including block settings and many commonly used blocks.
  • Additional Menu Features cover how to use the main features of your WordPress dashboard menu, such as managing comments, users, menus, plugins, themes, importing and exporting content on your site, and more.

The tutorials in the manual flow in a logical step-by-step sequence, following the WordPress dashboard menu. The manual covers all of the main features in the WordPress administration area and dashboard menu that WordPress users need to know to use their website effectively.

Check out The Complete WordPress Step-By-Step User Manual table of contents below:

WordPress User Manual Table of Contents

Use The WordPress Manual To…

  • Learn how to use your WordPress website or blog more effectively.
  • Train your staff, team members, and business colleagues to use WordPress.
  • Take control of your online presence.
  • Gain a better understanding of your digital business processes.
  • Set up an instant documentation library with step-by-step processes on how to use your website effectively.


  • You can distribute the PDF lessons and tutorials to all of your staff, team members, and clients.
  • All downloadable content is available in PDF format only. We do not ship physical products.
  • Access the downloadable PDF lessons, tutorials, and guides offline and use these as quick and handy reference guides.
  • The tutorials are non-editable. This allows us to maintain the content up-to-date.

Your purchase of The Complete Step-By-Step WordPress User Manual includes…

140+ PDF WordPress Lessons & Tutorials

Access and download the latest, most comprehensive, and most up-to-date version of our WordPress step-by-step tutorials as one big ZIP file or download individual lessons and tutorials as you need from your member’s area.

WordPress Tutorials -
Get 24/7 access to 140+ detailed WordPress step-by-step tutorials as downloadable PDF files.

About our WordPress tutorials:

  • 140+ detailed, step-by-step, and fully illustrated WordPress user tutorials (over 300,000 words and 3,500+ screenshots).
  • Can be accessed online 24/7 on all devices and web browsers (FREE – no membership required). Members can download all tutorials in PDF format as one ZIP file.
  • Regularly updated.
  • Fully interlinked. Click on any link to go immediately to a related tutorial (links to online tutorials), resource page, or external site.
  • Can be translated into the language of your choice (select the language from the dropdown language selector in the footer of this site)
Screenshots of online WordPress Tutorials translated into different languages.
Instantly translate the WordPress tutorials into the language of your choice.

Our tutorials not only explain how to use your WordPress website effectively with in-depth step-by-step detailed instructions and illustrative screenshots, but they also provide practical solutions to issues you may come across when using your site. (Want to see what our tutorials look like? Then check out this one: WordPress Classic Editor vs WordPress Block Editor & Widgets – Help)

2,100+ WordPress & Digital Business Video Tutorials (24/7 Access For 12 Months)

In addition to accessing all of our detailed WordPress tutorials, your membership also includes a special code giving you 24/7 access to our complete WordPress and Digital Business video course library, with over 2,100+ self-paced video lessons for one whole year!

WordPress and Digital Business Video Courses.
Develop your WordPress and digital business skills with dozens of self-paced video courses… including over 2,100+ video lessons!

The video courses and tutorials are available on our WordPress video training membership site.


  • Access to our video training site is normally sold separately but is included as part of your membership.
  • Use the special code inside your member’s area to create your FREE membership to the WordPress video training membership site and gain 24/7 access to all videos for 12 months.

Quick-Start Training

We include a series of “quick-start” training emails and structured lessons to help onboard you and get you started. These emails provide a step-by-step guide to getting the most out of our training tutorials and resources.

Lesson 1 - Your WordPress Site

Lesson 1 – Your WordPress Site

Learn how to log in and out of your WordPress site and how to navigate inside your site's administration ...
Lesson 2 - Plan Your Content

Lesson 2 – Plan Your Content

Learn how to plan content for your website or blog ...
Lesson 3 - WordPress Content Publishing Features

Lesson 3 – WordPress Content Publishing Features

Learn about your WordPress site's content publishing features ...
Lesson 4 - Prepare Your Media

Lesson 4 – Prepare Your Media

Learn how to prepare media for your website or blog's content ...
Lesson 5 - Publish Your Content

Lesson 5 – Publish Your Content

Learn how to add and publish content on your website or blog ...
Lesson 6 - Promote Your Content

Lesson 6 – Promote Your Content

Learn how to promote your published web content ...
Lesson 7 - WordPress Admin Features

Lesson 7 – WordPress Admin Features

Learn how to use the additional features of your WordPress admin area ...
Overview Of WordPress Tutorials

Overview Of WordPress Tutorials

Here is an overview of the WordPress lessons and tutorials included on this site ...

Email Courses

Our comprehensive email courses help you tie everything together by showing you how to improve your web content creation skills and knowledge of using WordPress to grow your business online. - Email training courses
Get hundreds of practical tips on content creation and ways to use WordPress to get better results in your business with our comprehensive email courses.

The email courses include:

  • Infinite Web Content Creation – This 120+ lesson course will teach you how to keep coming up with endless content ideas for your WordPress website, blog, or newsletter. (FREE – no membership required)
  • 101+ Advanced WordPress Tips – Get 101+ tips for boosting traffic, getting more leads & making more sales using WordPress…with no coding skills required! (FREE – no membership required)


  • We recommend subscribing to the email courses as soon as you join and remain subscribed to receive important updates and notifications.
  • You can read and apply the lessons in the emails to improve your results or use them as reminders to keep you inspired and motivated to keep growing your business.

Downloadable Guides (PDF)

As a member, you will also get access to comprehensive downloadable PDF guides covering useful WordPress and digital business-related topics like website planning, web security, setting up an eCommerce or membership site, and more.

Downloadable WordPress Guides
Use our comprehensive guides to grow your business online.

Download these from the Guides section.


Additional Resources

Download checklists, templates, flowcharts, and other useful resources from the Additional Resources section. (FREE – no membership required) - Additional Resources
Additional resources include downloadable checklists, templates, etc.

Get Better Results From Your WordPress Website Today provides everything you need to get the most out of using your WordPress site.

Years have been invested into creating the best WordPress training resources for non-technical users available and developing systems to overcome the many challenges of keeping WordPress training content up to date.

If your business uses WordPress, subscribe below and start improving your results online today!

Important Product Information – Please Read

  • ‘The Complete Step-By-Step WordPress User Manual’ is available as downloadable PDF files only – it is not a printed book.
  • Everything included with this product can be accessed immediately from your account area after completing your purchase. We do not ship anything out – it’s all available electronically from your Member’s Area.
  • Your subscription is a one-time purchase and gives you access to the member’s area for one whole year. After one year, your membership will expire and you will not be charged again!
  • We offer a 30-day 100% no-risk, money-back, satisfaction guarantee on your purchase of this product.
  • You can purchase this product confidently using our secure online payment processors – we do not store your credit card details.

Order Now And Download All PDF Tutorials Instantly!

Click the add-to-cart or payment buttons at the top of this page to purchase and access all downloads.


For more information about this product, see our FAQ section or contact us.

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