Did Your Website Developer Neglect Forget To Train You How To Use Your Website Effectively?

Never mind … you have just found the best WordPress training site on the planet … and we’ll show you how to use your WordPress website effectively … for FREE!
Self-Paced WordPress Training – Overview
WordPress is used to power over one-third of all websites worldwide! So…your website is probably powered by WordPress!
WPTrainingManual.com provides the most comprehensive and detailed self-paced WordPress training for non-technical end-users available anywhere … 100% FREE!
Our goal here at WPTrainingManual.com is to empower non-technical WordPress users to use their WordPress websites effectively. If you want to learn how to get the most out of your website, then we have you covered.
Our self-paced WordPress training and tutorials (over 140+ detailed step-by-step tutorials) and comprehensive email courses are 100% FREE!
This page will guide you and help you get set up with everything you need to learn how to use your WordPress site effectively.
1. FREE WordPress Online Tutorials
Click on the Free WordPress Tutorials menu link to access all of the online tutorials for free!

The online tutorials index page lists the following:
- WordPress Updates page
- 7 Training Lessons
- 140+ WordPress tutorials
To see what’s new in WordPress, click on the WordPress Updates link.
This brings up a page listing the latest WordPress versions and updates. Click on the links to see what’s new in those versions and follow links in those posts to the tutorials covering new features, improvements, and enhancements.

- Use the Training Lessons to learn how to your WordPress site effectively. The lessons are organized in a logical sequence and contain links to the tutorials covering specific topics and features.
- Click on the Tutorials to learn how to use specific features of your WordPress site. We also provide an WordPress Tutorials Overview section so you can see what each lesson and tutorial covers.
- To view the written content in the online tutorials in a language other than English, select a language from the Translate This Site dropdown menu located on the footer of this website.

The written sections of the tutorials will be instantly translated into your selected language.

Additionally, you can download individual tutorials as a PDF file or email the tutorial link to others who can benefit from the training. You can print them too if you want (though its best not to … the content in our WordPress tutorials total more than 2,500 pages!!)
Simply scroll down to the bottom of a tutorial and click on the button section…

A preview of the tutorial will automatically be created.

Select an option to print the page, download the tutorial as a PDF file, or email the tutorial link. In this example, we have selected the option to download and save the tutorial as a PDF file (you can also select the page size).

Note: If you want to download all of the tutorials in one go as a large ZIP file (540MB), consider becoming a member…it’s dirt cheap to join and you’ll get access to our entire 2,100+ WordPress and Digital Business Video Tutorials included in the price!
2. Email Courses
Register below to be guided step-by-step through out WordPress user training program (100% FREE)!
After registering, you will be guided through a series of training emails that will guide you through using our WordPress training resources.
In addition to the onboarding training emails, we provide the following comprehensive email courses (100% FREE):
- Infinite Content Creation – Subscribe to this 120+ lesson course to learn how to never run out of content ideas for your website, blog, or newsletter.
- 101+ WordPress Tips – Subscribe to receive 101+ advanced WordPress tips, tricks, and hacks that will help you become a better WordPress user (no coding skills required).

3. WordPress Video Tutorials
These video courses (over 2,100+ video tutorials) are optional. They are not included as part of our free WordPress training.
If you have purchased a WPTrainingManual.com membership, you will find a special code inside your Member’s Area giving you a 100% discount for accessing our WordPress and Digital Business video training membership site at no cost.
If you are not a WPTrainingManual.com member, you can purchase access to the video courses (over 2,100+ video tutorials) separately here: WPMasterclasses.com.
4. Downloadable Guides
You will also find comprehensive downloadable guides on WordPress-related topics in the Guides section. Note: These guides are not included as part of the free WordPress training we provide. They are available only to members.

Feel free to download these guides at any time. Just make sure you are logged in as a member.
5. FREE WordPress Resources
Download useful checklists, templates, and additional resources for free in our Resources section.

6. Getting Help With WordPress
WPTrainingManual.com is a free WordPress training site.
We will teach you how to use your WordPress website effectively, but we do not provide technical support for WordPress users or additional services like WordPress installation, configuration, maintenance, security, custom web development, etc.
If you need help with your WordPress site beyond what our tutorials and training resources can provide, please contact your website developer, web hosting company, or a WordPress service provider.
7. Get Started With WordPress – Quick Start Training Lessons
Now that you are familiar with all the training resources you have available, the next step is to begin applying the information to your WordPress site.
We recommend going through each of the lessons below. You can complete them at your own pace, and whenever it suits you.
The lessons and over 140+ free online tutorials and training resources will take you step-by-step through everything you need to know to master using your WordPress site effectively and help you get better results online.

Lesson 1 – Your WordPress Site

Lesson 3 – WordPress Content Publishing Features

Lesson 7 – WordPress Admin Features

Overview Of WordPress Tutorials
Thank you for visiting WPTrainingManual.com and I wish you the very best of success using WordPress!
Today is your day.
You’re off to Great Places!
You’re off and away!You’re off to Great Places!
Today is your day!
Your mountain is waiting,
So… get on your way!”You have brains in your head.
You have feet in your shoes.
You can steer yourself
any direction you choose.
Oh, the Places You’ll Go! by Dr. Seuss