WordPress 6.0
New WordPress Version 6.0 – Arturo
Release Date: May 24, 2022
On 24 May 2022, WordPress released WordPress 6.0, named “Arturo” in honor of Grammy-winning jazz musician, Arturo O’Farrill.
For more information on this release, read the WordPress 6.0 announcement.
Here is a video introduction to the new features of WordPress 6.0:
WordPress 6.0 aims to provide a more feature-rich and intuitive WordPress content-creating experience and includes more than 500 enhancements.
Here are some of the key features of this brand-new WordPress release:
Enhanced Writing Experience
Whether you’re writing a brand new post or adding elements to an existing page, WordPress has added many writing improvements and ways to streamline your content creation process.
For instance, now you can:
- Select text across multiple blocks and edit it all at once.
- Type two open brackets
to quickly access the link menu. - Keep existing styles when transforming some blocks from one kind to another – for example, going from a Paragraph block to a Code block.
- Create customized buttons (new buttons retain their style customizations automatically).
- Make tag clouds and social icons more appealing with updated settings and controls, and a new outline style for the tag cloud.

New Blocks
WordPress 6.0 introduces many new blocks to the Block Editor.
Some of these new blocks include:
- Read More – Displays the link of a page, post, or another content type.
- Post Author – Display post author details such as name, avatar, and bio.
- Avatar – Add your avatar to your content.
- Comment Query Loop – The new Comment Query Loop block replaces the Post Comments block and includes sub-blocks like comment author name, avatar, comment content, edit link, and more.
- No Results in Query Loop – This is a block container that lets you specify any text or block to display when a query has no results.

Theme Style Switching
In WordPress 6.0 you can now easily switch your entire theme style with a single click.

Block themes now include the option to contain multiple style variations, expanding the new Style system further and enabling shortcuts to switch the look and feel of your site within a single theme.
Switching styles for your theme is easy. Go to the Templates section, click on the Style button in the top right corner and switch to the Browse Styles tab to view all the available styles for your theme. You can change both the available settings, like the font weight and the style options, like the default color palette.

More Template Choices
WordPress 6.0 includes five new template options that provide greater flexibility for content creators: author, date, categories, tag, and taxonomy.

You can tailor each of these options with existing tools or new options introduced in the latest version. These include:
- Using Featured images in the Cover block.
- New featured image sizing controls make it easier to get the results you want.
- While editing a template, at the root, or between blocks, the quick inserter shows you patterns and template parts to help you work faster and discover new layout options.
- The Query Block supports filtering on multiple authors, support for custom taxonomies, and support for customizing what is shown when there are no results.

Integrated Patterns
Patterns now appear in more places, like in the quick inserter or when creating a new header or footer.

Better List View
New keyboard shortcuts let you select multiple blocks from the List View, modify these in bulk, and drag-and-drop them within the list. You can easily open and close the list view (it is collapsed by default and automatically expands to the current selection whenever you select a block).

Block Locking Controls
Blocks can now be locked to prevent accidents that could break your site.

Additional Design Tools
Some design tool highlights for version 6.0 include:
- A new space-saving color panel design shows your options at a glance.
- New border controls offer a simpler way to set your border to your exact liking.
- Transparency levels for colors allow for more creative color options.
- Control gaps, margins, typography, and more on a collection of blocks, all at once, in the Group block.
- Switch between stack, row, and group variations to position groups of blocks with more layout flexibility.
- Use the gap support functionality in the Gallery block to create different looks–from adding spacing between all images, to removing spacing altogether.

Videos – What’s New In WordPress 6.0
The videos below discuss new features introduced in WordPress version 6.0:
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WP 6.0: Part 1 – Introduction To All Additions & Changes
This video provides an overview of the new changes in WordPress 6.0.
WP 6.0: Part 2 – Block-Based Theme Style Switcher
This video looks at the new style switcher in version 6.0.
WP 6.0: Part 3 – Block-Based Theme Export Theme Feature
This video looks at the new theme exporter in WordPress 6.0.
WP 6.0: Part 4 – Block-Based Theme New Templates
This video looks at the additional items in the add new template section on your block-based theme templates page.
WP 6.0: Part 5 – Block Editor Changes
This video looks at the main changes in the block editor.
WP 6.0: Part 6 – New Blocks & Block Changes
This video looks at some of the main additions to the blocks in WordPress version 6.0.
WP 6.0: Part 7 – Miscellaneous Stuff
This video looks at the miscellaneous items in the new WordPress version 6.0.
Updated: July 5th, 2024