WordPress Client Training

Why You Should Learn How To Use Your WordPress Website

Wouldn’t it be great if others looked after your website leaving you free to focus on growing your business? Well,  sometimes this can’t happen. Here are 5 reasons why you should learn to use your WordPress website…

"Wow! I never knew there's so much to learn about WordPress! I bought one of the WordPress for Dummies three years ago, such authors need to be on this course!" - Rich Law, Create A Blog Now

Laptop with WordPress jigsaw puzzle displayed on screen.Sometimes, opportunities appear with a very small window of time to act on. This could be an idea for running a special promotion or time-sensitive announcement due to a recent or unfolding event, or an insight or experience you have just had with a business client or customer that you would like to share on your website.

If you rely on other people to run your website and you can’t get things done immediately just by snapping your fingers, that small window of opportunity could be gone.

Many great ideas and profitable flashes of inspiration get pushed back to the “we’ll address this later” intray, due to delays in back and forth communications or swallowed up in the general day-to-day crises and other urgencies of the business.

One of the great things about having a website built with WordPress is that you can manage as much or as little of it as you want to, even if you have no technical skills, like coding.

WordPress website management tasks
With WordPress, you can manage as much or as little of your website as you want…outsourcing is completely optional!

Many businesses choose to outsource areas of their websites like maintenance, online marketing, even their content management.

But…can you and should you really outsource everything on your website to others?

Let’s take a look at some of the main reasons why sometimes it’s better to not outsource and learn how to use your WordPress website instead:

1 – You Don’t Have The Money To Outsource Everything

man in a suit with empty pockets.
If you’re strapped for cash, you may need to learn how to use your own WordPress website.

Outsourcing costs money.

If you are just starting out and don’t have the money to outsource or hire people to look after your website, you may need to learn how to use your own WordPress site.

While there are challenges to learning how to use WordPress, it can most certainly be done. You don’t need to have technical skills to manage and grow your business online if your business has a WordPress website.

WordPress comes with a powerful built-in content management system (CMS) that lets you create, publish, edit, organize, and manage all of your content, and features like content editors, plugins, widgets, and themes that let you infinitely expand and extend its capabilities with no coding skills required.

Many businesses start with little to no money to spare and need to be resourceful in order to grow within their limited budget.

If you’re starting a business with little money to spare or your business is strapped for cash and your website runs on WordPress, learning how to use your website or blog effectively will help you promote your products or services online and is one of the best investments you can make to grow your business.

2 – You’re The “Website Go-To Person” In Your Business

professional woman working on laptop
You will need to learn how to use WordPress if you’re the “go-to” website person in your business.

Every business with a website needs someone to be their “go-to” website person.

If this person is you, then one of the best things you can do to help your business is to learn the basics of how to use your WordPress website.

As you become a more competent WordPress user, your value and contribution to your business will only increase.

You will be able to do things like:

  • Identify new opportunities and implement new strategies to help the business grow (e.g. content marketing),
  • Understand what is happening when other people get involved or hired to work on the website (e.g. to improve technical or marketing areas),
  • Be able to manage different activities involving your website, like outsourcing to external service providers (e.g. maintenance, support, marketing), improving customer service, managing users, generating reports, etc.

If you’re the “website go-to person” in your business, learning how to use WordPress can change your site from being a passive and static online brochure into an active and dynamic web presence, and significantly help grow the size and profitability of your business.

3 – You’re The Subject Expert

Illustration of blackboard with writing: WordPress: 1. Think, 2. Write, 3. Publish
Learn how to use your WordPress website and turn your expert knowledge into content that will help grow your business.

Many small businesses are started by people who have expert knowledge or skills in a particular industry, niche, product, or service.

In terms of writing web content to help grow your business, this can present a challenge if you are the expert and know your stuff better than anyone else, including anyone you outsource your content writing to.

For example, if you have specialized knowledge and outsource your web content writing to a general freelance writer, the process of extracting the knowledge, expertise, and information from your head, supplying writers with ideas for content (e.g. media, artwork, etc.), managing the outsourcing process, editing and rewriting draft content, formatting and tweaking your articles, etc. can end up taking almost as long, if not longer, than writing and publishing the content yourself.

Learning how to use your WordPress website can save you time and frustration. You can quickly turn your expert knowledge into content that will help grow your business without going through all the hoops and delays of using writers and techies to get your information published online.

4 – It’s Sometimes Faster & Easier To Just Do It Yourself

WordPress Blogger
Sometimes, it’s just faster and easier to do it yourself!

Let’s say you spot a typo on a web page or you would like to edit something in a published article, or you’ve got a time-sensitive announcement you’d like to post on your website right now.

If someone else is managing your website you could ask them to do all these things for you (and wait until they are not busy doing something else or available to attend to your request), but why wait –especially for simple content fixes or even editing and publishing your web content?

If you know how to use your WordPress website, you can jump in and get many things done yourself without creating unnecessary delays or increasing the workload for your staff or other team members.

5 – Safeguard Your Business

Woman frustrated with website.
Don’t become a hostage if something happens to those looking after your website…become empowered, learn how to use WordPress, and safeguard your business instead.

In many businesses, a lack of truly effective systems means that people who look after certain areas just get things done without keeping methodical records or following documented processes. This often happens when the business is already chaotic and the people who work in it know their role and are too busy to document what they are doing.

When it comes to your website, this can have disastrous consequences for your business.

The more your website depends on people or agencies with undocumented systems and processes to run or manage it, the more likely your business runs the risk of ending up as a “hostage” of whoever is looking after it.

If someone else manages your website–especially someone external to the business– and for some reason, they become unavailable (or uncontactable…or even disappear!), your business could find itself facing many difficulties…anything from the inconvenience of not knowing what’s going on, to not having access to vital information like passwords, licenses, or login details to services and subscriptions…to even being completely locked out of your website!

Knowing how to use your WordPress website gives you a measure of security and can safeguard your business should unforeseen events occur. It can help you know what’s going on when other people have access to your site and gives you greater control of your business.

Learn How To Use Your WordPress Website With WPTrainingManual.com

If you want to learn how to use your WordPress website effectively or need to train your staff members to use your website for any of the reasons listed above, we can help you.

The Complete Step-by-Step WordPress User Manual is a comprehensive WordPress user training product design specifically for non-technical users.

WordPress User Training - WPTrainingManual.com
WPTrainingManual.com provides you with everything you need to know to use your WordPress site more effectively and get better results in your business.

Our training content focuses only on the areas that you need to know to use your WordPress website more effectively and get better results in your business…with no coding skills required!

The Complete Step-By-Step WordPress User Manual provides a downloadable (and fully illustrated) 2,100+ page WordPress user manual, 130+ detailed step-by-step WordPress tutorials, access to a growing video library containing 2,000+ video lessons, comprehensive email courses on content creation and advanced WordPress user tips, downloadable guides on WordPress-related topics, and many additional useful resources (e.g. checklists, templates, etc.).

Whether your business is strapped for cash and has little to no money to outsource, or you’re the person assigned as the “go-to” website person in your business, or you just want to learn how to get things done on your website faster without relying on external service providers, The Complete Step-By-Step WordPress User Manual is the best and most inexpensive investment you will make into learning how to use your WordPress website effectively.

About our WordPress training content:

  • It’s written specifically for non-technical end-users using simple and easy-to-understand language.
  • Requires no knowledge of coding or technical skills to apply the information.
  • It’s comprehensive and detailed, showing you step-by-step how to use every feature of your WordPress website to get better results quickly, easily, and effectively.
  • We keep it regularly updated.


To learn more about everything we include in our WordPress training, go here: The Complete Step-By-Step WordPress User Manual


"These tutorials have so much information and are easy to understand. If you use WordPress or plan to in the future these will help you with everything you need to know." - Valisa (Mesa, Arizona)


Note: If you are a website developer, WordPress trainer, or provide WordPress-related services, we also offer a rebrandable WordPress Client Training Manual.

Updated: July 5th, 2024

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