Content Marketing With WordPress - Content Writing Tools

Content Marketing With WordPress – Using Content Writing Tools

Keyboard with Enter key highlighted.

This tutorial is part of our series on using content marketing to create more exposure online for your business and drive more traffic to your site.

Subscribe to our web content creation course and learn how to never run out of great content for your website, blog, or newsletter.


This section of our tutorial series on content marketing covers different methods you can use to create content for your site using third-party content.

In other tutorials, we looked at reasons why you don’t always need to create content from scratch and how to create content for your blog posts and articles by rewriting existing content.

In this tutorial, we’ll explore using content writing tools to help you speed up the process of creating content for your site.

We also recommend the tutorials below for additional information:

Content Writing Tools

AI technologies are developing rapidly and becoming increasingly smarter.

There are many tools available that can write or create content for your website or blog. Automated content writing tools, however, need to be used correctly and with caution.

AI Content Writing

AI tools like ChatGPT can help to improve and speed up your content research and content writing.

For a list of powerful AI tools you can use for content research and content writing, go here:

For additional ways to use ChatGPT in your content research and content creation, visit the links below:

Autoblogging Content Writing Software

Autoblogging or Autoposting is a method of creating web content automatically using software that finds, scrapes, or curates content from various sources.


Autoblogging is different than scheduling posts to publish at a later date.

  • With post scheduling, you add pre-written content to your post editor and specify the date and time you would like it to be published.
  • With autoblogging, you schedule the software to find, compile, and publish the content it finds on your site.
  • Many autoblogging plugins will use the WordPress post scheduling feature to queue posts for publishing on your site.

Content created by an autoblogging tool is typically generated from keywords specified in the tool’s settings.

CovertPress settings screen - Keyword settings.
Autoblogging tools find content based on the keywords you specify. Source: CovertVideoPress

After entering keywords into the auto blogging tool, the software will then generate and drip-feed content automatically to your site at regular or random intervals, depending on how you have configured its settings.

CovertVideoPress Settings screen.
Autoblogging tools will search the web and post content automatically to your site. Source: CovertVideoPress.

Notes On Using Autoblogging Content Writing Software

Whether you agree with the use of autoblogging software or not, automated content creation tools exist and many online marketers use these tools to populate their blogs with content.

Some common uses for autoblogging/autoposting software include:

  • Sourcing content from news sites.
  • Publishing videos from sites like
  • Adding content to affiliate sites and AdSense sites.

Many autoblogging tools promise to automate the content writing process and save you time by creating unique, human-readable content at the “click of a button” and automatically populate hundreds (even thousands) of blogs with drip-fed “search engine friendly” content.

While these tools make impressive claims, some are complete “hyped” and often fail to deliver on their promises.

For a start, many automated content writing tools “create” content by scraping content from other sites. Essentially, they do not create content, they simply copy content that has been written by someone else. Scraped content is not original or unique content, as it has been published elsewhere (often multiple times and verbatim).

If you publish scraped content as is on your site, you are not only plagiarizing it (or, as some people call it, “stealing”), but you could also leave yourself open to receiving copyright infringement and “cease and desist” notices.

At the very least you will attract negative karma online, as you are not really providing value to online users, so we don’t recommend scraping content from other sites.

You can use a plagiarism checking service like Copyscape to check if the content you plan to use on your site has already been published on other sites.

Having said this, there are a number of WordPress plugins you can use for autoblogging.

Here is one that is very popular…

WP Robot

WP Robot - Autoblogging plugin for WordPress.
WP Robot – Autoblogging plugin for WordPress.

WP Robot is a popular and easy-to-use autoblogging plugin for WordPress. It allows you to drip-feed content to your site on auto-pilot at regular intervals that you specify. Your posts will then be targeted to any keyword you select and in any topic you choose.

You can autopost articles from over 20 content providers and specify which modules you want to autopost content from, run multiple posting campaigns using a different template for each campaign, run, copy, and pause individual campaigns, and much more.

To learn more about this plugin, go here: WP Robot


Have you heard of GIGO?

It stands for “Garbage In Garbage Out.”

Humans have a great capacity for spotting “garbage” content. Most of us have had the experience of landing on a website we thought would contain useful or relevant information only to be confronted by garbage posts filled with advertising, which makes us want to immediately hit the “back” button on our web browser.

If your goal is to improve your search engine rankings and attract more visitors by publishing content to your website or blog on a regular basis, we recommend using QIQO (Quality In, Quality Out), not GIGO.

Have a look at the paragraph below. It supposedly contains content that humans will find readable:


Social Media Within the Niche

You’re most likely at ease with how useful social media tools may be when the involves getting attention for your business. Really, websites are becoming this type of salient subject recently it’s created a unique marketing acronym- similar to SEO has Search engine optimization, websites have Social Networking Optimization, or SMO.

Yes, it’s true – you will find individuals who earn a living by modifying the Twitter accounts and Facebook profiles of individuals and corporations. The positive factor occurs when you’re somewhat operation, there’s without any reason you cannot manage your own personal social networking optimization.

There’s hardly any concerning the process that’s very hard – probably most likely probably the most annoying factor about here you go may be time-consuming, which describes why some companies decide to delegate the job.

Whenever your social networking optimisation reaches a particular point, you may deem it essential to delegate it too, but additionally for those who are basically beginning on the road to social medial optimisation, it’s recommended that you just assume control applying this yourself.


The above content was created entirely by content writing automation software promising “human-readable” content. You can decide for yourself just how readable this content really is and ask yourself whether you would feel comfortable publishing it on your website with your name on it as the author.

If you plan to use automated content tools to fill up hundreds of websites and blogs with scraped or reassembled content with the hope that this will help rank your sites higher in search engines and drive visitors to click on ads that will make you money, you will probably be disappointed.

Apart from not adding value to human visitors and cluttering the web with more meaningless “garbage,” you will most likely end up investing a lot of time, energy, and money into methods that will ultimately deliver you diminishing returns.

Although networks of autoblogged websites can be set up quickly with “set and forget” tools that automate the entire process, owning hundreds of domain names to host all of your sites will cost you thousands of dollars a year in domain renewal fees. Most of these sites won’t even earn you enough each year in ad revenue to cover the cost of renewing your domain names.

Remember that Google’s business model depends on helping users find meaningful results when searching for information online. Google competes with sites like Facebook for mindshare and eyeballs. To ensure that their search engine remains relevant to users, Google spends billions of dollars each year on people and technology to improve and update its search algorithm in order to prevent people from gaming their search results, so our advice is, don’t do it.

Don’t try to “beat” Google using software that promises to shortcut the process of creating quality content and deliver you better search engine rankings, but will probably only end up creating garbled and unreadable rubbish that adds no value or benefits to your users’ experience.

If you care about your business and your reputation (and you probably do), don’t compromise your integrity with rubbish content. You will simply waste your time, lose visitors, and risk being penalized by search engines.

Here’s a very simple test you can do if you plan to use content writing software:

Read the content before adding it to your site.

If you think it will add unique value or benefit to users, then, by all means, publish it on your site. If, however, the content fails to hold your interest or to motivate you to take any kind of action, then more likely than not, it will have the same impact on anyone else who reads it.


Are There Any Good Uses For Autoblogging Tools?

As mentioned earlier, if used correctly, autoblogging tools can be useful for things like:

  • Adding a “News” section from other news websites and RSS feeds.
  • Videos from sites like YouTube to create a “video tutorials” section using publicly shared content,
  • Product items from feeds (e.g. an affiliate Amazon store, etc.)

There are many autoblogging tools and plugins available that you can use to post content on your WordPress site or blog.

Avoid trying to game search engines with rubbish content or information that adds no real value to users. This strategy WILL backfire on you! Choose QIQO (“Quality In, Quality Out”) over GIGO (“Garbage In, Garbage Out”).

Be careful about buying into “hyped-up” software promising to free up your time and grow your business online by automating the work of creating high-quality content.

Whether you plan to write your own web content, use content writing software, or employ others to create content for you, we recommend publishing only content that will benefit your readers and provide value to users. Stick to this principle and avoid the temptation to invest in tools or strategies disguised as time-saving “shortcuts” that are ultimately doomed to failure and becoming costly curves.

So … how can you add value to web users simply by rewriting existing content already found on the web?

You can add value to your visitors if you rewrite existing content where the end result achieves one or more of these objectives:

  • The content adds a unique new perspective on the topic you are writing about.
  • You make the content better than the original.
  • You inject your expert knowledge or experience into the content in order to help people get a better understanding of the topic
  • You save people time searching online by filtering, condensing, reorganizing, and presenting information in a more convenient and easily digestible format.

Let’s take a look at these options.

Add Your Unique Perspective

Sometimes, all you need to do is rewrite existing content for an opening or closing section for an article, blog post, or tutorial that you are planning to write about where you already have an original idea for content that will help your readers gain a unique new perspective on the topic.

This is not that hard to do, especially if you are writing about your business, area of interest, or something that you are truly passionate about. You are a unique individual with a unique and individual perspective on things, so you can always present existing information from a new angle or perspective…yours!

Make It Better Than The Original

Sometimes you will come across sites with articles written by experts that have been well-researched and cover the topic you were planning to write about extensively.

Whenever you come across these sites, don’t despair (and certainly don’t try to copy and paste sections of the article into your website and claim it as your own!)

Go through the content and copy the URL of the page. You can boost your own authority and save time simply by quoting one or two sections from the page in your article and then giving the source credit. The content might even inspire you to write about a different angle or add a unique perspective of your own.

More often than not, you will find many poorly-written articles on a great topic idea. This is because people often outsource their content writing to cheap freelance writers who write generic, “fluffy” content for SEO purposes. Many businesses pay for SEO services and get back a list of keywords, on topics to write content about. The business owner then hands this list of keywords to a freelance article writer and publishes whatever they get back, often without spending much time making further edits and improvements.

This leaves a lot of room to improve the content.

If you are good at what you do, then you probably have a greater level of expertise and knowledge about your business, products, services, or industry than most of the people you will be outsourcing your content writing to.

In this case, you should be able to easily spot situations where your competitors have effectively paid for expert research on the topic and created an outline that you can easily expand and improve upon. You can then turn a “thin” article into a high-quality piece of content with real substance that others will want to reference and link to from their websites.

Add Your Knowledge, Experience, Or Expertise

If you have been doing something for a while, chances are that you are probably an expert on the subject, or have unique, specialized knowledge about it.

For example, let’s say that your business is in the travel industry. You should be able to easily take something like a special deal from a newsletter (e.g. “Special Deal – 7 Nights In Europe”) and write many articles around this topic, by simply injecting your knowledge, expertise, experience, interest, and passion into the content.

For example, you could create unique travel-related accounts that contain things like:

  • Interesting “insider” tips and secrets like alternative or cheaper transport, travel, or accommodation options,
  • Lesser-known tourist landmarks that should not be missed,
  • Great places to eat that only locals frequent,
  • Things to avoid when traveling to certain destinations, etc.

If you like to travel, have been to Europe, enjoy fine dining, know how to travel on a budget, and love to ride a bike, you could expand these articles and write content with titles like:

  • “7 Unforgettable European Destinations For Lovers Of Fine Cuisine”, or
  • “How To Spend 7 Romantic Nights Cruising Around Europe’s Famous Rivers” or
  • “Places To Bike Around Europe For Less Than $100 A Day,” etc.

Save Readers Time With Content Curation

You can save your readers’ time searching online for topics they are interested in by filtering, condensing, reorganizing, and presenting them with information in a convenient and easily digestible format.

This is called Content Curation.


What Is Content Curation?

According to Beth Kanter, an expert on content curation,

“Content curation is the process of sorting through the vast amounts of content on the web and presenting it in a meaningful and organized way around a specific theme. The work involves sifting, sorting, arranging, and publishing information.”

If you want to learn more about what content curation is and how it works, then visit Beth’s blog here:

Once you understand how content curation works, you will want to know what some of the best tools available for curating content are.

To save you time searching for these online, we did the work for you and found this great list of content curation tools (the “Ultimate” list, actually, according to the website) with an accompanying map showing business-grade content curation tools that can support organizations’ content marketing strategies, as well as personal curation tools that can be used by individuals for hobbyist or organizational purposes: The Ultimate List Of Content Curation Tools

Now … seeing as our focus is to help WordPress users discover more efficient methods of creating unique content with the least amount of effort, time and cost involved, we also looked into what content curation tools are available for WordPress users, and found these great plugins and software tools that will help you save time, and allow you to curate content directly from your WordPress dashboard:

Here are a couple of great content curation tools and resources for WordPress users:


MyCurator - Content curation plugin.
MyCurator – Content curation plugin.

MyCurator is a content curation plugin for WordPress that helps you create content and add it to your site from your WordPress dashboard. You can also grab files like videos from YouTube to enhance your content.

You can curate the article in your WordPress Editor with one click and it will automatically import and add an excerpt, image, and attribution. Just add a paragraph to tell your readers about your article and you’ve created content for your site!

The plugin uses machine learning to train the software with a simple up or down vote on an article. After just a few articles, the plugin will classify good articles and weed out 90% or more of the junk and spam articles, saving you a huge amount of time.

To learn more about this plugin, go here: MyCurator


PressForward - Content curation and editorial workflow plugin for WordPress.
PressForward – Content curation and editorial workflow plugin for WordPress.

PressForward provides an editorial workflow for content aggregation and curation within the WordPress dashboard. It is designed for bloggers and editorial teams who wish to collect, discuss, and share content from a variety of sources on the open web.

Use this plugin to collect up-to-date articles about your niche from around the web and curate them into posts that will add value to your readers.

To learn more about this plugin, go here: PressForward

One more thing…

Content curation isn’t just limited to collecting, organizing, and compiling content into new articles. You can also curate content and publish these as videos. There are software tools that will let you do this.

For additional things that you should be aware of when trying to automate the process of curating content, see this interesting article that explains some of the drawbacks of completely automating the content curation process and describes a unique method to curate quality content for your site: Curating Content For A WordPress Blog


See what I have just done here? I’ve just saved you time as a reader by curating all of the above into useful content and resources discussing the topic of “content curation.”

I curated existing content from the web and added some of my own words to tie it all together into a cohesive article (i.e. definition, tools and resources, tips, etc.). In doing so, I created an informative, unique, and human-readable 560+ word blog post…and all this took less than 20 minutes of work!

I could also have added a couple of topic-related videos sourced from YouTube and some infographics or memes sourced from various content-sharing sites to create a really interesting, engaging, and well-rounded piece of content about this topic.

Can you do something similar in your niche or industry to help your readers and potential customers find great information online faster and more easily?

Content Writing Tools – FAQs

Here are frequently asked questions about content writing tools:

What are AI content writing tools?

AI content writing tools are software programs that use artificial intelligence, particularly natural language processing, to help generate content. These tools can create text based on initial input and guidelines provided by the user, making them useful for speeding up content creation.

How can AI writing tools benefit WordPress users?

AI tools can help WordPress users generate content ideas, draft posts, and overcome writer’s block. They are effective for creating draft outlines, suggesting headings, and even composing entire articles that can then be refined by human editors.

How can AI content generation tools improve content marketing?

AI content generation tools can automate the creation of draft content, generate ideas, and suggest improvements based on data-driven insights. They can significantly speed up content creation and help develop a consistent voice across all marketing materials.

What should I consider when choosing a content writing tool for WordPress?

Consider the tool’s integration capabilities with WordPress, ease of use, feature set (like SEO tools and language support), and the quality of the AI if it’s used for content generation. Ensure the tool aligns with your content strategy and quality standards.

Can content writing tools help create product descriptions and reviews?

Yes, many content writing tools are equipped to help create engaging and unique product descriptions and reviews by suggesting descriptive language, important keywords, and even competitive analysis to stand out in the market.

Are there drawbacks to using AI for content creation?

While AI tools can be cost-effective and increase productivity, they may not always capture the brand’s voice or understand complex topics as well as a human writer. Dependence on AI could also reduce originality in content.

How do I integrate AI content tools with WordPress?

You can integrate AI content tools into WordPress through plugins that connect to AI services. These plugins can assist directly within the WordPress editor, allowing you to generate, expand, or modify content seamlessly as you build your posts and pages.

Can AI tools help with SEO?

Yes, AI writing tools can help optimize content for SEO by suggesting keywords, generating meta descriptions, and improving the readability of the content. However, it’s crucial to ensure that AI-generated suggestions align with the latest SEO practices.


There are many ways to rewrite existing content into something new that will add value to your site visitors.

Action Step

Pick a topic that is relevant to your niche and to your audience and create a unique 300-500 word article for your site using the methods discussed above. Once you have created this content, schedule it for publishing on your site.

Now that you know about using content writing tools to create content for your site, the next step is to learn about using content rewriting tools to turn your existing content into unique web content.

Keyboard with Enter key highlighted.
If used correctly, content writing tools can help you generate content for your website or blog faster.

For additional tutorials on ways to create content for your website, go here: Content Marketing With WordPress


Updated: July 5th, 2024

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