WordPress 6.4

WordPress 6.4

Release Date: November 7, 2023

On November 7, 2023, WordPress released WordPress 6.4, named “Shirley” in honor of iconic jazz artist Shirley Horn.

WordPress 6.4 - Shirley
WordPress 6.4 – Shirley

WordPress 6.4 introduces a new default theme and a suite of upgrades designed to enhance the creative process.

WordPress 6.4

For more information on this release, read the WordPress 6.4 announcement.

New WordPress Version 6.4 – Shirley

Let’s go through some of the most significant changes to WordPress with version 6.4:

WordPress Twenty Twenty-Four Theme
WordPress Twenty Twenty-Four Theme

The Twenty Twenty-Four theme stands out as a sophisticated and adaptable default choice, perfect for a diverse array of users, including writers, artists, and business professionals.

Twenty Twenty-Four theme design

Twenty Twenty-Four’s rich collection of patterns and adaptable design make it a top pick for various creative and commercial projects.

This theme elevates the content creation process with innovative features such as new keyboard shortcuts, intelligent list management, and refined link settings control.

Twenty Twenty-Four theme layout

The integrated toolbar for Navigation, List, and Quote blocks streamlines your access to various tooling options.

WordPress Editor toolbar
Experience smoother content creation with new enhancements to the core editor.

Experience enhanced productivity with the upgraded Command Palette, which allows for swift navigation, efficient task execution, and an overall faster building process.

WordPress Command Palette
Quickly find what you need, perform tasks efficiently, and speed up your building workflow with the redesigned Command Palette.

Key features include:

  • A refreshed interface and tailored block actions
  • Enhanced command naming for ease of use
  • Distinctive background images in Group blocks, perfect for unique website designs
  • Lightbox functionality for a compelling, full-screen image display on user interaction

The introduction of Block Hooks marks a significant advancement, providing developers with the ability to seamlessly integrate dynamic blocks at predetermined locations within the content.

This feature not only expands the functionality of block themes through plugins but also offers complete customization control to the user.

Highlight Features of WordPress 6.4

  • The Twenty Twenty-Four theme
  • Lightbox functionality and novel background images for Group blocks
  • Custom pattern categorization
  • A more intuitive Command Palette
  • Block Hooks innovation
  • Enhanced image previews in List View

Additional functionalities include the ability to:

  • Rename Group blocks for better content organization
  • Effortlessly integrate call-to-action buttons in navigation menus
  • Preview images in List View for easy identification
  • Set image placeholder aspect ratios to ensure uniformity in layout design
  • Organize and filter patterns through custom categories
  • Share patterns across different sites using JSON file import/export

Additional Enhancements

WordPress 6.4 includes many additional “under the hood” enhancements:

Performance Improvements

WordPress 6.4 introduces over 100 performance enhancements, focusing on faster theme template loading, optimized script loading strategies (“defer” and “async”), and new functions to streamline autoloaded options.

Accessibility Commitment

Continuing its dedication to accessibility, this release includes List View improvements, aria-label support for the Navigation block, and enhancements in the admin UI, like better button placement and clearer Site Health messages.

WordPress 6.4 new features
WordPress 6.4 introduces various new features, plus many performance and accessibility enhancements.

Videos – What’s New In WordPress 6.4

The videos below discuss new features introduced in WordPress version 6.4.

*** Please allow a few seconds for videos to load before playing ***

WP 6.4: Introduction To All Additions & Changes

This video provides an overview of the new changes in WordPress 6.4. (4:23)

WP 6.4: Image Lightbox

This video looks at the new image lightbox feature in version 6.4. (1:50)

WP 6.4: Image Preview

This video looks at the new image preview feature of the editor’s list view in version 6.4. (1:29)

WP 6.4: Image Placeholder

This video looks at the new image placeholder feature added in version 6.4. (3:10)

WP 6.4: Parent-Child Block Toolbar

This video looks at a new improvement to the WordPress editor with the new inline toolbar for child blocks. (1:49)

WP 6.4: Categorize Patterns

This video looks at the new pattern category feature of the WordPress block editor. (3:04)

WP 6.4: Share Patterns

This video looks at new improvements to making sharing patterns easier in the WordPress block editor. (6:32)

WP 6.4: Rename Group Blocks

This video looks at a new feature of the WordPress block editor’s List view that allows you to rename group blocks. (2:03)

WP 6.4: Vertical Text

This video looks at the new design feature that allows you to add vertical text to your content. (2:58)

WP 6.4: Add Buttons To Navigation Block

This video looks at a new feature that lets you add clickable buttons to the navigation block. (2:12)

WP 6.4: Command Palette Updates

This video looks at new updates in the WordPress Command Palette. (4:05)

WP 6.4: Default 2024 Theme

This video looks at the new WordPress Twenty Twenty-Four theme, which is installed by default in version 6.4. (1:36)

WP 6.4: Miscellaneous New Features

This video looks at miscellaneous additions and changes made to WordPress in version 6.4. (2:44)

To learn how to build your own WordPress site, see this video course: How To Build A WordPress Site Fast


Updated: July 5th, 2024

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